
Minds Are Like Parachutes, They Only Function When Open

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Curious Case of Abhigya Anand

Education doesn’t equate to wisdom and intellect is not a mere product of intelligence.While education and to some extent intelligence, are necessary conditions to acquire knowledge, these are far from sufficient conditions. Penchant for knowledge and a commitment to curiosity  unconstrained by convention leads to true wisdom. “We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to learning and freedom of thought” once said the inimitable Bertrand Russel.

Abhigya's Conscience Channel
One such baffling paradox is the curious case of child phenomenon Abhigya Anand, a social media sensation who happens to pop up ubiquitously in all my social networks every week. A child prodigy: claimed by many, incarnation of Saraswati- The Goddess of Knowledge, proclaim others. A saviour of Sanatana Dharma - the eternal wisdom of India, a modern day Parashara and 21st century Vasishta are his other unending eulogies.His videos on the Conscience channel range from sermons on Ayurveda to Astrology and his lectures cover inefficiencies of banking institutions, undercurrents of bullion markets, Vastu, vaccines,vulnerabilities of 5G and many more. His charming innocence and his innate ability to explain multi-disciplinary subjects point to the boundless potential of this lovely boy, but the paradox lies in the fact that Abhigya although very educated is ill-advised and  ill-informed.

Most, if not all, of Abhigya’s freewheeling lectures are on matters beyond his knowledge, maturity and age. More worryingly, they are driven by pseudoscience and his indulgence in Astrology the most troubling of all. There are child prodigies with similar potentials and Abhigya is clearly infinitesimally intelligent than his preadolescent peers, so one must tread carefully should any objections to his style, content and tactics are motivated by my jealousy and spite. So I shall refrain from criticizing Abhigya from here on, on the contrary, I sympathize that such an intelligent and gifted child has been indoctrinated and brought up within the confines of spiritualism, mysticism, theology and superstition by his parents who exalt in his upbringing, mostly through home-schooling.

No doubt, his parents are caring and meticulously attentive and Abhigya and Abhideya- his equally talented sister, were trained in Sanskrit, ancient texts, Indian classical music, were introduced to technology and sciences, as many of his lectures on anatomy allude to.  Most of his videos tend to be astrological predictions based on Vedic Astrology, evidently, what has not been taught to him are the concepts of pratyaksa(evidence), anumana(scepticism) and aptavacana (peer review). Not only are these the key foundations of modern science but also the foundations of Samkhya shastra, one of the six schools of Indian philosophy.

Sadguru vs Abhigya 
Blinkered by bronze age mystical thinking, his parents have failed to instil critical thinking and rationality, which attest to their own weaknesses and poor Abhigya has been ushered into a world of instant stardom. Thanks to the dynamics of social media, Abhigya became a Youtube celebrity competing with the likes of Sadguru in the marketplace of mysticism and spirituality. Sadguru is not a complete novice when it comes pseudoscience, he has tiptoed on it at various times in many of his talks, the difference is only one of a degree. But when Sadguru rightly called out the futility of Abhigya’s Covid-19 predictions, Abhigya retorted back calling Sadguru a SadGuru. Notwithstanding his short comings and lack of scientific rigour, Sadguru is reasonably well versed in Indian philosophy and an eloquent speaker. For Abhigya to have the conviction to lock horns publicly with the Sadguru cannot be explained in any other way than to presume that his reckless parents have forced him to condemn Saduguru publicly with little afterthought.

Vidya dadati vinayam vinayad yati patratam – Education leads to humility, from humility arises character, says the Hitopadesha. Abhigya’s parents have utterly failed in inculcating such humility in Abhigyaon the contrary it is common for some parents to compensate their own shortcomings by reflecting on the accomplishments of their children. Their insecurities may eventually lead to their children becoming narcissistic themselves, constantly seeking out attention and approval, hallmark of many of Abhigya’s videos. Once such video is a two-hour lecture by Abhigya at IIM comprising of mishmash of conspiracy theories and hodgepodge of random internet musings put together by his parents is a testimony to their lack of objective thinking and scientific mindset.

Another similar mindset driven by insecurity that is pervasive in our culture is that our Indian culture is sacred and divine and that we are a blessed race. Partly driven by an uncritical religiosity and lack of self-esteem, people tend to believe that our ancient sages, the Maharishis, have bestowed the light of Vedic knowledge to the people living south of Himalayas. Not to Peruvians of South America, nor Malawians of Africa and definitely not to tribes of Central Asian steppes nor to the Eskimos of Arctic. Moreover, they believe such divine knowledge only imparted to our ancestors, comprises of advanced scientific theories: Medicine, Astronomy, Cosmology that matches and even exceeds achievements of modern science, which leads me to the followers of Abhigya.

Abhigya IIM Lecture
Once they have invested much of their self-esteem in such blind faith but the drudgery of life opens up to the ground reality of toil, hardship and uncertainty, the reinforcement to their vacuous vanity calls for a magical archetype. Abhigya is such an archetype: young, charming, intelligent who fortifies their faith and preconceptions in Vedic Astrology, Vastu and other mystical ideas. Abhigya is the archetypical little Sri Krishna in their minds, and his subscribers barely question and, in many cases, incapable of questioning the pseudoscientific theories that are being spouted in his videos. His followers are not concerned with “what he says” but “what he is”, Abhigya is a just a container that maintains their delusional beliefs. As he matures into adulthood and his cuteness and novelty wears off, his followers will flock to another mystic or a spiritual guru who bolsters their magical thinking.

In the 17th century, Sir Isaac Newton experimented in occult Biblical theories to decode the date of Judgement day and spent many years muddling in the pseudoscience of Alchemy looking for Philosopher’s stone, that turns any metal into gold. During the Black Plague, Newton quarantined himself for two years and the same inquisitive mind came up with PhilosophiƦ Naturalis Principia Mathematica , Principle of Mathematics that form the basis of Calculus, Gravitational theory and Newtonian physics that launched  the age of enlightenment and  eventually led humans to conquer the Moon. Thankfully, his works on Alchemy is forgotten and confined to dustbin of history. Abhigya is certainly capable of becoming a Newton, whether he continues to dabble in Astrology and Vastu like Newton’s flirtation with Alchemy or sees the light of true science and knowledge is yet to be seen.

The sooner this lovely child is unshackled from the preconceived dogma of his followers and the myopic world view of his parents, the sooner Abhigya will be able to fulfil his true potential.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Social Distancing from Astrologers during this Pandemic

 These are truly unprecedented times. Three months ago this planet was exuberantly celebrating the New year completely oblivious of a virus that was lurking to shatter our anthropocentric vanity. Within weeks, this zoonotic retrovirus upended our civilization with access to advanced medical expertise into an obsessive-hand-washing, loo-roll-stockpiling zombies. Overnight, buzz words like social media was deposed by social distancing, tik-tok is less chic than lockdown and covid-19 has eviscerated any utopic idealism of vision-20.

As the epidemiologists, virologists and immunologists across the world are scrambling to rein in this pandemic, some astrologers in India have been throwing their unsolicited hats into the ring. Sharing just the etymological constructs of “astro” and “logy” with the modern science but none of its scientific rigour, these charlatans have entered the fray with their chicanery that somehow explains or predicts this current calamity. As the world finds itself exposed and frenetically seeking for answers, Astrologers desperately trying to add to this conversation is understandable, if not commendable and is probably paved with good intentions. And Astrologers, like Homeopaths, Chiropractors and Osteopaths, truly believe that their discipline is systematic, precise and methodical that has stood the test of time and genuinely feel their intuitions and insights are valuable to the public discourse.

Overnight, child celebrities like Abhigya and other astrologers like Dr.Jai Madaan have become a sensation brazenly conveying their predictions on social media. Let me contravene the old adage by sparing the ‘child’ but spoiling the proverbial idiocy ‘rod’ here. When Prime Minister Modi called for national unity by calling for a national vigil by lighting a lamp on the 5th of April at 9 PM for 9 minutes, Dr.Jai took to youtube to explain the intriguing phenomenon behind Modi’s plea to light the lamp at a precise time and duration. Was Modi really advised by the high priests of AYUSH, our Ministry of Superstition, on the precise time and duration would be a distracting conjecture that I don’t want to dig into. 

But according to Dr.Jai, this is akin to a surgical strike kind of moment and how the science behind this auspicious timeline reveals itself. Astrology is a predictive, remedial and guiding science, she exhorts before she explores how the planets millions of miles away subservient to cosmological laws somehow like some numbers , 9 seems to be their popular choice but our lunar compatriot has a special affinity with number 5. And by using some mental gymnastics she jumps onto the science of physics, on how during that time the sound energy and light energy mysteriously combines to help build your immunity. Before the credulous observer had a moment to grasp, we are into the world of immunology, a giant heck of leap from physics to human physiology. And the kind of light energy is also important, so she opines, as Rahu is allergic to electronic light from our devices, so better the light be emitted from lamp of Mustard oil.  

 This gives an impression that somehow Astrologers have a phenomenally deep insight into the world of cosmology and a quantum level understanding of  how the planets’ arrangement in one remote solar system, has a mysterious impact on one particular species of ape on planet Earth, inducing cellular changes in our biochemistry there by affecting our immunogenetics. 
And now you add, Vedic to this asinine discipline, we have a whole new field of Vedic Astrology that becomes sacrosanct. With such advance and varied knowledge across multiple disciplines, I cannot fathom why Astrologers don’t come up with what this third chimpanzee species  need to do for the spike proteins of coronavirus to stop binding to the ACE2 receptor of human cells and stop the disease in its tracks, or even better if they could enlighten us on which oil should be used to light the lamp  so that RNA dependent polymerase is blocked inhibiting viral replication. Just proclaiming that it helps our immunity is a tad too vague, dont you think?

While I await their advise with bated breath, Vedic Astrology or otherwise, I am less concerned with its pseudo-scientific worldview which itself is an insult to human ingenuity.  During this time of the
 pandemic where our weakness and fragility have been laid bare by a tiny virus, whose raison d'etre of its spreading is no different to us, i.e to copy one's genetic structure deep into the future, we are reminded once again our futility and short-sightedness of human centric world view. 

This dangerous anthropocentrism, the belief that the human beings  are the most important entity in the universe, and that the planets, the Moon, the Sun and other celestial bodies can be appeased by burning oil at some ridiculous time for the benefit of one species, is indeed the pinnacle of stupidity and unforgivable vanity. This signifies a lack of humility, that we are just a tiny speck in this universe competing with other species from gigantic blue whales to miniscule viruses, is nowhere more profound and glaring than in the field of Astrology.

As we are washing our hands, we should also incorporate some aspect of washing our minds off this idiocy and social distancing should include copious amounts of distancing from Astrologers.